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Diesel and gasoline spray simulations using the spectral element method

Los invitamos al webinar organizado por el grupo de Mecánica Computacional:

Diesel and gasoline spray simulations using the spectral element method

In gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines, the evolution of the injected spray can determine the fuel-air mixing process and combustion processes. Predicting the spray development using simulations requires accurate modeling of the turbulent gas-phase flow field. In this study, the high-order spectral-element method (SEM), implemented in the code Nek5000, is used to provide highly-resolved solutions to the turbulent flow field. The spray is modeled in a Lagrangian-Eulerian (LE) framework, where the liquid is represented by discrete groups of droplets. Large-eddy simulations (LES) of diesel and gasoline sprays were conducted, and numerical results were validated against experimental data. This work shows the advantages and current limitations of the modeling approach for spray applications.

Conferencista: Juan Diego Colmenares Fernández, PhD
Postdoctoral Appointee
Energy Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Lemont, IL, USA.

Dr. Juan Diego Colmenares Fernández, PhD received his Mechanical Engineering and Master’s degree in ME at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), where he worked with Prof. Omar López to perform aerodynamic analysis of rotors using the unsteady vortex lattice method. He obtained his PhD in Engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico (USA), where he did research on turbulence modeling using direct numerical simulations (DNS). He is currently a Postdoctoral Appointee at Argonne National Laboratory (USA), where is developing spray modeling capabilities in the spectral element method (SEM) code, Nek5000, as part of a DOE-funded project.


Mayor información: Omar López. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica. Email: od.lopez20@uniandes.edu.co